5. The Turning Point

"Choose a model and make a science of it."

Grasping an idea and then putting it into effect creates an intense feeling of satisfaction.  Knowing that one has created the necessary condition to be able to repeat an act is the first step toward mastery.  When you know that you know, then you can make it GO.

The hand is our connection to the clubface.  Being aware of the hand's gyroscopic relationship to the spinal tilt allows us to control the clubface.  The ease and economy of motion is very evident in a well planned, coordinated move.

The Way of the Hand


"The whole golf swing

is unifying two circles"


Unifying the two halves of the body requires a meeting point for the synchronization of the two halves.  In a gear like fashion, the shoulders and knees work together to create a well coordinated pivoting motion.


The Conductor

The turning point

The retention of the arm and hand structure created at address and retained at the top of your back turn allows the clubface to be delivered in a consistent manner through the ball and on to the follow through.  The less deviation of the hand position as the body is put into motion, the less error in the club face as it continues its circular path.

In order for the conducting structure not to break down, the momentumization must take place by something other than the conductor itself.  The is where the body pivot comes into the picture.

Primary Arc

The bottom line of the golf swing is the striking area.  Throughout the swing the clubface is always perpendicular to the swing arc.  The pivot of the body on a  circle while retaining the conducting structure allows this to occur.  The flawless execution of the primary arc is the mark of consistency.


Tip: At the top of the back swing the thumbnail should face the shoulder.  At the end of the swing the thumbnaill should face the other shoulder.  Swing the thumbnail from shoulder to shoulder.

Next Chapter:  Doing it to a Tee

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