"What goes around, comes around"
Sound preparation paves the way for flawless execution. Anticipation and readiness eliminate most unwanted errors wiile patience and determination enable one to get through the inevitable 'misses'.
Taking advantage of scoring opportunities is what pitching is all about. Accuracy is paramount to good pitching. Correctly determining the size of a stroke is as important in pitching as in putting. Most importantly, developing a smooth, repetitive rhythm will facilitate the most challenging part of the game.
It's About Time |
"Distance is determined by the extent of the arc"
Presetting address conditions to regulate the size of the swing arc governs distance control. Utilizing an augmented rule of thumb determine what level to turn the hand up to, then momentumize the hand on the abbreviated arc path chosen with your rhythm. |
The Missing Link
The transition from short game to long game is the role of pitching. Pitching handles the shots that are too long for chipping but too short for a full shot. Pitching and chipping differ in how the body movement is handled during the stroke. During a chipping stroke, the body stays still with the stroke being made with hands and arms, like a toss, whereas pitching incorporates a hip turn during the swing adding additional power. Conceiving of the golf stroke as akin to an athletic throwing motion can help one gain the feel of the movements and muscles involved.
Adding Power by Degrees
In order to regulate the size of the swing, determine a method of creating a natural restriction in the setup to regulate the mount of body turn. Narrowing the stance has the effect of limiting the body turn thus limiting the size of the arc. Opening the stance has the same effect. Follow through each at least as far as the club was taken back. A pitch is, in a sense, a miniature swing.
Next Chapter: The Sand Man Can